Ron Siegel’s Mortgage Market Update brought to you by Geneva Financial March 15, 2024

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Exciting news in the world of home financing! I'm Ron Siegel, here to simplify the latest mortgage rate trends for you. Check out these key takeaways and visit our full report for more insights:

  • Rates are rising: If you're closing soon, consider locking in your rate.
  • It's a gamble: For closings in 15-30 days, it's a toss-up between locking now or waiting for potential changes.
  • Uncertainty ahead: For those closing in 30+ days, keep a close watch and decide based on your comfort with risk.
  • Upcoming Fed meeting: This could be a game-changer, so stay tuned!

Don't forget to share this with friends, family, or co-workers who might be looking to buy, sell, or refinance. Together, we can navigate these changes and find the best mortgage solutions. #HomeFinancing #MortgageRates #HomeBuying #Refinancing #RealEstateTips #RonSiegelRadio

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"Ron has amazing insight into the financial and real estate markets."

doug waldman

"Great services. Communicative , well educated and was very helpful overall. Highly recommend"

samantha dalby

"Looking forward to partnering with Ron for our community event (Open House on June 23rd, 2024) at American Legion Post 132!"

diana trujillo